Stay Relevant and Reach Out to Everyone with a Credible Accessibility Overlay

If you are a business owner, it is important for you to ensure your website is accessible online to everyone, including users with disabilities. The Internet and search engines give preference to accessible websites in a bid to make shopping online a seamless and enjoyable experience for everyone. In fact, visitors are able to spot a good website from a bad one with this accessibility element. This is why you should give it prior importance if you really wish to reach out to everyone online with your products and services to boost traffic and sales.

Start with the installation of a good accessibility overlay

Gone are the days when web accessibility was an expensive and time-consuming affair. Thanks to the advent of accessibility overlays, you can fix problems instantly and make your site compliant with the laws of the land without tension.

An accessibility overlay refers to software that sits on the top of the website to make it simple for people with disabilities or any sort of special needs to navigate. The following are some important tips for you to remember if you wish to make your site accessible and friendly for users with special needs and disabilities-

1. Add video captions-If you have ever watched a video online without the sound on, you know how hard it is for you to understand what it means. Now, think of users with disabilities and special needs; imagine how they feel when they click on a video and fail to understand what it means. Those who are deaf and have trouble hearing will face a lot of benefits if you add video captions to the videos you upload on your site. It actually will make a huge difference to their world, and the result will be they will become your loyal customers and recommend your site to others.

2. Design a text-based site homepage- If you have lots of visual content on your site, you should consider offering your visitors a text or a screen reader homepage to avoid everyone accessing it to understand its general idea. This step will make it simple for users who cannot see images to understand how the site works, so it will be a huge hit with users.

3. Help users navigate the site with the keyboard- If users are unable to hold a mouse for site navigation, they cannot browse through your business site freely. Sadly, there 50% of websites have been created without even thinking about these users. This means that you should think about keyboard navigation and allow users to have a hands-free experience when they are on your site.

With the help of a credible accessibility overlay, you are able to help users navigate your site freely. Users with disabilities will also be able to have a fair and enjoyable site navigation experience that helps them shop online freely. When you are choosing the right overlay for your business, ensure that it is automated in nature infused with artificial intelligence. This tool is better than manual ones to give you faster results.